Wow, this has been a very busy week and not one I would like to repeat too often. On Monday we went to Arizona Power to have the electric account switched over to our name on the 15th. We weren’t sure what hoops we would have to go through to have that done but it was real easy, they did a credit check while we stood there and we had the account set up and were out the door in less than 10 minutes, great.
Our next stop was the insurance place where the previous owners had their insurance, we got a quote from them then went to Wal Mart, in the same plaza, to pick up some stuff. Then it was off to J C Penny’s to check out their sale on towels, etc. I can’t remember where else we went but it was a day of running around.
On Tuesday we went to an insurance place here in the Foothills for an insurance quote and ended up going with them as the quotes were pretty well the same and at least this place is closer. We know other people who have their insurance through them and are happy with them so here’s hoping they are okay, and even better, that we never have to make a claim. Again, the rest of the day was a blur.
Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. we met Stan & Jackie, the folks we bought from, at the DTO office to sign over the ownership, at a cost of $7.00. They wanted to stop at the house to finish a couple of things but as we pulled into the trailer they stopped and handed us the keys, so we came right down here. John decided to go for his morning ride with the guys and while he did that I emptied out the kitchen cupboards and washed them out so I could start moving my stuff.
The last 3 days are a blur of moving, cleaning, more cleaning and on Thursday shopping for stuff we needed. On Thursday we checked out the storage area again and realized there was no way we were going to get the trailer in to the spot we had been assigned so it was off looking for another spot. We checked a place that had no spots left but had a storage area in the Foothills (where we are) and had a spot there. It was too late to check it out on Thursday but John went out first thing on Friday morning and took it as it is the only spot they have left. It is in a secure area so hopefully there won’t be any problems.
Yesterday we finally got the trailer emptied and the fridge washed out and turned off so now it is ready to head for storage on Monday morning.
I started this Saturday morning and it is now Monday morning so I am going to quickly finish this off and get it posted.
Saturday and Sunday were more days of cleaning and picking up things we need. John spent about 3 hours on Saturday cleaning one bathroom and then about 3 hours yesterday cleaning the other one. We bought new towel racks so he has one installed and a couple more to go, as well as a new toilet paper holder in my bathroom as the current one is under the towel rack, hence, hidden by the towel.
Yesterday I vacuumed the front deck and moved a lot of furniture down to the patio, it now looks a lot cleaner and less congested. The back deck is a total disaster but we have stuffed piled up on it for the garage sale as well as an exercise bike. So much of the stuff in here that we don’t want is just plain junk but there are a few things that can go in the garage sale. We sure have been giving the garbage dumpster here a good work out.
I didn’t get to the pool at all last week so am off this morning, John only got in two bike rides last week so he is off this morning for his ride. Today we are moving the trailer into storage so don’t know how much will get done in here today.
My sister and niece sent us a beautiful Christmas floral arrangement and it looks, and smells so nice sitting on the coffee table. Again, many thanks Pat and Serita.
Larry, yes I do go to the Hair Loft so say hi back to Jean & Kim and I hope Kim hasn’t had too many bad drives with the weather.
I hope to post some pictures in the next couple of days.
And so ends more great gifts of days and we look forward to more good days to come.