Friday - December 26, 2008

Today was a nice sunny day but there was a very cold wind, a good day to stay inside and keep warm.

We had a quiet day and late this afternoon John went for a bike ride and I went for my walk, I was quite cold when I got back but kept telling myself that it was much better than Ontario! The weather is supposed to warm up in the next couple of days so we are looking forward to that.

John gave me the DVD The Bucket List for Christmas so we just finished watching it, a good movie that we quite enjoyed. And so ends another great gift of a day, quiet, but enjoyable in the sunny south.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The forecast for today was for cool and wet, fortunately the forecaster was wrong and it turned into a beautiful sunny, warm day, the only downside being that it was windy.

Santa came and left presents under the tree

John and I enjoyed talking to our children and brothers and sisters so that even though we aren’t there we were able to talk to everyone and wish them a happy day. Fortunately the snow had stopped at home so it was an okay travel day for those who had to travel. Our daughter Nancy is having the annual family dinner on Sunday for all my family so hopefully the weather will continue to co-operate as everyone has to travel to get to her place.

We had a lovely dinner and evening with Steve & Brenda, it is nice to share Christmas with friends when we can’t share it with family. I made baked corn which is an old family recipe and our daughter Kelly hates it, she seemed quite disgusted when I said I was making it for dinner, well, Kel, Steve & Brenda loved it and want the recipe so guess not everyone is like you Kel.

Now everything is cleaned up and it is bedtime, I am tired but it was a wonderful Christmas. And so ends a great gift of a day and we look forward to tomorrow.

Wednesday - December 24, 2008

Today was an absolutely gorgeous warm day, I even got into shorts this afternoon – gotta love it!

This morning we did a major cleaning (having company is always a good prod to get at it!) and this afternoon I went for a long walk then came home and sat out reading and enjoying the sun. As usual though, as soon as the sun started to go down I had to come inside as it still really cools off.

We are going to have a nice steak & shrimp dinner then a quiet evening, hopefully enjoying some traditional Christmas music.

For all those heading out for the south after Christmas safe travels and remember as Peggi says – don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Today was a much better day, both weather wise and feeling better. Today was sunny but windy with a high of about 64F, quite comfortable.

This morning I got up and did my usual intenet stuff reading e-mails and news from home. John was getting ready to go out and get fuel and propane when Steve & Brenda stopped by to see what they could bring for Christmas dinner. We had a quick visit with them then they left and John went off for propane etc. while I stayed home and wrapped his Christmas presents and had my shower.

John got back just in time to get changed and then we headed out for the show – we went and saw Australia, what a great movie and John enjoyed it as much as I did (I was worried that he wouldn’t really enjoy it and was just going for me). It was a long show, almost 3 hours so it was almost 5:30 when we got out and from there we went to Wal Mart to finish our shopping for Christmas dinner. Wal Mart was a real zoo so it was after 7:30 when we got home - needless to say we had a late dinner.

We are now watching Jay Lenno and it will soon be bedtime. And so ends a great gift of a day and we look forward to tomorrow.

Monday - December 22, 2008

Today was a total write-off both weather wise and just for the whole day in total. My arm was really swollen and sore and I just didn’t feel great and the weather was overcast with the odd rain spit which just added to my feeling of blah.

I laid down in the afternoon but couldn’t sleep but at least felt a bit better when I got up. We didn’t do anything at all today so hopefully tomorrow will be more exciting. Still, it was a great gift of a day and hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Sunday - December 21, 2008

I sure am glad that the movie There Will Be Blood self destructs – it was the stupidest movie I have seen in many years, I didn’t watch it but couldn’t help hearing it on the TV. Apparently Daniel Day Lewis won an academy award for his part, sure must have been hard up for nominees that year!!!

Today was another nice sunny day. still a bit on the cool side but at least we don’t have snow! Our sympathy goes out to all those suffering in the snow and cold back home, we don’t envy you one bit, we just hope that the weather is good for traveling over the next week or so.

I went for my walk today and stopped and talked to a couple from London who had bought their trailer at Can-Am. Then I stopped and chatted with Birdie & Jean who were a couple of doors down from us last year, by the time I got back John said he was just thinking about going out looking for me to make sure I was okay!!

John bought me this pretty little cactus yesterday, adds a splash of colour in the trailer!

John downloaded the 2008 tax program yesterday so today did a fair bit on our tax returns and it looks like we will have to pay very little for this year – gotta like that!!

Tonight we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner, we had a coupon for a free Cactus Blossom so with that we split an order of ribs and both had cesar salad, a very good dinner – we really like their ribs. Missed you Janet & Dave!

John is just making us a cuppa tea so we will probably just watch the boob tube for a bit before heading for bed. And so ends a great gift of a day and we look forward to tomorrow.

Saturday - December 20, 2008

Today was a nice sunny day but there was a cold wind all day so not a sitting out day, I actually wore a jacket when I went for my walk this morning.

This afternoon we decided to go back to Staples and get another table for the patio, they had nice ones on sale for $15 earlier in the week and we really like the one we bought so wanted to get another one, we lucked out and got the last one today. The nice thing about these is that they fold down flat for travel and are very sturdy – we notice a lot of people use them to sit their barbecues on. From there we went to the mall and John went to Best Buy and I went to Kohl’s looking for a Christmas present for him. I wanted to get him a new Henkel carving knife and we ended up going to Target to buy one and he picked it out so no big surprise there for him for Christmas, but, as he is the one that will use it I figure I’d best get one he liked! Actually it was a set so I get a nice paring knife out of the deal! I also bought a new set of steak knives but when we got home and I opened the package the handles were rubberized, not wood, and I don’t like them so will return them. We stopped at Fry’s for romaine and mushrooms for dinner - Kel & Tim please not that we did not go to Wal Mart today!

John bought the movie There Will Be Blood on a DVD for $2.50 and once you open the package it is good for two days then somehow self destructs so we will watch that tonight. And so ends a great gift of a day and we look forward to tomorrow.