Tuesday – March 28 – Today is quite overcast and we have had a few brief rain showers which haven’t really amounted to anything. John has done some reading and I have started a crochet project – a beach cover up, so basically it has been a lazy day. We went for a walk around the park to get some exercise then down to the hall to use the internet, talk about a quiet day.

A few rv’s headed out this morning and there are a lot getting ready to go and leaving on Thursday. After being here for the winter some of them have a lot of packing up to do as a number of them have sunrooms which have to come off, boats to get on their trailers, etc. so it has been a hive of activity around the park the last few days.

We think we will just wait and take our time leaving on Thursday as we are only going about 80 miles, so will let the parade get out before we try to leave. Most of them will be heading north also and the road has been a steady stream of rv’s for the last few days. When we went to Quartzsite on Sunday about 75% of the northbound traffic was rv’s.

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