Thursday – December 28 – I woke up a couple of times during the night to hear rain on the trailer and it rained until about 10 this morning, then the sun came out a bit around noon, but it has been a cool day.

We talked to Janet & Dave last night and they had cleared the mountains in California so hopefully will be in Yuma by the end of the week, we’re looking forward to seeing them again. Janet said the weather has been awful, rain, rain, and more rain.

This afternoon we went into town for a bit, went to Office Max and checked out this week’s specials at Fry’s. They have a good sale on pork loin roasts and ribs, but they hadn’t come in yet so I couldn’t get any. They will have the same sale in Yuma so can get them there.

I have started reading Texas by James Michener, it is 1300+ pages so that should keep me out of trouble, if I can get into it.

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