Friday, July 30, 2010

Today was another sunny, warm day – a great day for our visit to Boston. We were up at 6 a.m. to be at the Amtrak station to catch the 8:15 train to Boston. It was a good ride in and we got there about 10:15 and had to be back at the station to catch the 5:40 train back to Saco.

We picked up a trolley tour and did pretty well the whole tour of Boston before getting off to do a harbour cruise. After the cruise we walked over to Faneuil Hall and stopped for a bowl of yummy clam chowder for lunch, then walked to the Statute of Paul Revere and toured the Old North Church, then on past Paul Revere’s House to a pick up stop to get back on the trolley and back to the train station.

It was interesting to see the planes flying into Logan Airport, which is the only airport in the heart of a city. They were very low flying in over the harbour.

I will let the pictures show what we saw.

All in all it was another great day but very tiring. (Kel & Nan on the train home!!)

We got back to the hotel, ordered pizza for dinner, ate and pretty well crashed.

And so ends a great gift of a day and we look forward to another great day tomorrow.

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