Some Early Morning Excitement

Well, we sure had a bit of excitement early this morning. I got up about 4:45 to go the bathroom and as usual didn’t turn on any lights but happened to look in the sink and it looked like there was something in there but between being dark and me not having my glasses on I wasn’t sure so turned on the light to look – YIKES a large mouse was staring back at me – JOHHHHN!! John came in and now what do we do, he decided to get some paper towels and see if he could grab it, of course that didn’t work and the darn thing hightailed it in the direction of the livingroom (at least not into the bedroom!!). So, outside John went to get a mousetrap out of the storage bin, it is one of the essentials we always have on board, and got it set and back to bed we went, but not to sleep for me. About half an hour later the trap went off and the little devil was history – thank goodness, now I could go back to sleep. I keep thinking thank goodness I didn’t just put my hand into the sink to see what was there, can you imagine how awful that would have been.

This morning I went and did laundry and while I was doing that John cleaned and checked all the drawers for mouse droppings and washed everything wherever he found some, there wasn’t a lot so I don’t think the little devil had been around for long, but there were some. The trap is still set in case he had a friend or relative in here with him!

This afternoon we took a last run into Charlottetown, then New Glasgow where we checked out the Preserve Co. then North Rustico where we filled the barbecue tank and I bought a sweatshirt.

When we got back John got us hooked up so we will be ready to go in the morning, we are aiming to catch the 11:15 am ferry to Caribou NS. I just had an e-mail from my friend Nancy and it looks like there is a good chance we will be able to get together on Friday as they are hoping to take the overnight ferry Thursday night from Argentia NF to Sydney, that would be fun to get together.
We had a bit of rain overnight and this morning but by mid afternoon the sun was shining and the weather forecast for the next 3-4 days is sun with temperatures in the mid 20’s – sure can’t beat that.

And so ends another great gift of a day and we look forward to another great day tomorrow.

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