Saturday - April 26, 2008aa

Well, we did get rain last night but nothing serious, it rained for a few hours during the night and we heard a bit of thunder off in the distance but that was it. Fortunately it had stopped when we got up so John didn’t wet getting us ready for the road!! By late morning the sun had come out and the high on the truck thermometer today was 74F – perfect.

We took the trace to within 10 miles of the end at Nashville then cut up to I-40 to pick up I-65 north. The Trace drive was very pretty and today we met early spring in Alabama and Tennessee – the trees were just starting to bud and the wildflowers along the side of the road were starting to come out – they made a beautiful carpet along the shoulder! Closer to Nashville I saw my favourite spring flowers – lilacs, sure did enjoy the drive. We had two detours along the Trace but they were well signed and no big deal to do.

Flowers Along Trace

The Tennessee River

Gone Fishin

Along the Trace


Tonight we are in a nice little park at Cave City, KY, we stopped here on our way home last year and had noted it as a good place for a stop over. There is free wifi but it seems quite slow so it will be interesting when I try to post my blog. Last night it took me forever to post my pictures so I don’t know what will happen tonight but if it seems to be taking too long I will probably just give up as I don’t have the patience for it.

The Departed is on TV so I have one eye on it and one eye on doing this so please forgive any typing or grammatical errors; once the movie is over I think it will be bedtime. And so ends another great gift of a day and we look forward to the mystery of tomorrow.

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