Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yesterday was a pretty quiet day, John went out in the morning looking for some odds and ends and I took the opportunity to do a major cleaning to get all the dirt out of the trailer after Sunday’s big blow, not a fun time but it had to be done.

I had ordered a blue tooth headset for my phone last week and it arrived today so I spent some time trying to get it set up. We talked to Mike and it worked really good but then I tried calling Kel and it wasn’t so good, I could hardly hear them and they said the same with me so guess I have to figure out what the problem is.

The weather was much cooler than it has been, I was back in capris and we used our new heater last night and it felt good.

Today was a nice day and it is warming up again, we did have some more wind today but thankfully nothing like on Sunday.

John & Irma asked us to go to Brown Bag Burger with them for lunch so of course they didn’t have to twist our arm and as always it was really good and a lot cheaper than Burgers & Beer. John & Irma are leaving tomorrow morning so are pretty well all set to go. Irma had her phone with her at lunch so tried calling me so I could use my blue tooth and I think I now have it figured out, sure hope so!

When we got back John started trying to clean out and organize the back of the truck but came to the conclusion that most of it will have to wait until Saturday – it should be interesting to see how we get everything loaded in.

We ended up chatting with the neighbours, reading, doing some computering, going for a bike ride and walk etc. this afternoon so another day has gone by in this life of retirement – real tough!

As always, the last two days have been great gifts here in the sunny south and we look forward to another good day tomorrow.

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