Friday - January 18, 2008

Today was sunny but still cool, the high was only in the mid 60’s. This morning John headed out to get propane, he had our tank and the fellow next door’s tank but when he got to the propane place there was a huge lineup and he figured he wouldn’t get done and back in time for me to go for my pedicure so he just came home.

Janet & I had appointments at Wal Mart for pedicures so John dropped me off and then went to Superfuels to get propane there, the lineup wasn’t very long and the guy there can run the tanks through a lot faster than the fellow at the other place so it didn’t take long to get the tanks filled. The fellow filling the tanks had an aluminum tank for sale for $85, it was recertified in 2004 so is good for 6 more years before having to be recertified so John bought it, they normally run about $400+ so he figured he really scored.

Janet and I got our pedicures then I decided to get a manicure, the price for both is $30, that is a lot less than the price of a pedicure at home so a good deal. Janet and I were both pleased with the service and the pedicures/manicure so I will be sure to go back there before we leave Yuma.

We went down to the rec hall for the horse races at 4 p.m., it is a first for the park and the room was packed and everyone had a good time. John picked two winners and I got one so we ended up with a profit of $0.25 by the time it was over! They are having another race on February 8th so we will have to plan on attending as it is a good time. We came back and had a burger for dinner, now it is a bit of TV before hitting the sack. And so ends another wonderful day of retirement and we look forward to another great day tomorrow.

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